Turn SQLAlchemy queries into literal SQL

Posted on Thu 12 November 2015 in Code • Tagged with SQLAlchemy, SQL, databasesLeave a comment

Like I mentioned in the post about adding regular expression support, the nice thing about SQLAlchemy is the clean, layered structure of various abstractions it utilizes.

Regretably, though, we know that software abstractions tend to leak. Inn particular, any ORM seem to be a poster child of this rule, especially in the popular opinion among developer crowds. By design, they’re intended to hide at least some details of the operations on a database, but those very details can be quite critical at times. There are situations when we simply want to know what exactly is going on, and how all those model classes and mappers and relationships translate to the actual SQL code.

To make it a little more concrete, let’s focus on the SQLAlchemy Query class. Given such a query, we’d like to get the final SQL representation of it, the one that’s ultimately sent to the database, It could be useful for any number of things, from logging1 to profiling, or just displaying in the web page’s footer, or even solely for prototyping in the Python REPL.

In other words, we want to turn this:

db_session.query(User.id).filter(User.email == some_email)

into something like this:

SELECT users.id FROM users WHERE users.email = :1

regardless of the complexity of the query, the number of model classes it spans, or the number of relationship-related JOINs it involves.

It’s a dialect

There is one aspect we cannot really universalize, though. It’s the specific database backend that SQLAlchemy should compile our query for. Shrugging off syntactical and semantical differences between database engines is one thing that using an ORM can potentially buy us, but if we want to get down to the SQL level, we need to be specific about it.

In SQLAlchemy’s parlance, any specific variant of the SQL language is called a dialect. Most of the time, you’ll be interested in the particular dialect your database of choice is using. This is easily obtainable from the database Session:

dialect = db_session.bind.dialect

The resulting Dialect object is little more than a container for small tidbits of information, used by SQLAlchemy to handle various quirks of the database backends it supports. For our purposes, though, it can be treated as a completely opaque token.

Compile & unwrap

With the Dialect in hand, we can invoke the query compiler to get the textual representation of our Query. Or, to be more precise, the compiled version of the query’s Select statement

>>> query = db_session.query(User.id).filter(User.email == 'foo@example.com')
>>> print(query.statement.compile(dialect=db_session.bind.dialect))
SELECT user.id
FROM users
WHERE users.email = %(email_1)s

Perhaps unsurprisingly, even after compilation the result is still just another object: the Compiled one. As you can see, however, the actual SQL text is just its __str__ing representation, which we can print directly or obtain with str() or unicode().


But obviously, we don’t want to type the above incantations every time we need to take a peek at the generated SQL for an ORM query. Probably the best solution is to extend the Query class so that it offers this additional functionality under a new method:

from sqlalchemy.orm.query import Query as _Query

class Query(_Query):
    """Custom, enhanced SQLALchemy Query class."""

    def to_sql(self):
        """Return a literal SQL representation of the query."""
        dialect = self.session.bind.dialect
        return str(self.statement.compile(dialect=dialect))

This new Query class needs then be passed as query_cls argument to the constructor of Session. Details may vary a little bit depending on how exactly your application is set up, but in most cases, it should be easy enough to figure out.

  1. If you’re only interested in indiscriminate logging of all queries, setting the echo parameter in create_engine may be sufficient. Another alternative is to look directly at the logging configuration options for various parts of SQLAlchemy 

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Regular expression filters in SQLAlchemy

Posted on Wed 14 October 2015 in Code • Tagged with regular expressions, SQLAlchemy, SQL, Postgres, SQLite, ASTLeave a comment

The nice part about SQLAlchemy — an ORM library/framework for Python — is that it offers much more than just mapping of SQL relations to model classes. At its lower level, for example, there exists an additional layer between those classes and raw SQL queries: an abstraction for the SQL language itself.

Although it may sound byzantine at first, this extra layer serves two important purposes:

  • portability: compiling of the same query to potentially different SQL syntaxes, as required by different database backends
  • extensibility: allowing the user to introduce new elements: operators, functions, or even whole statements

I’m going to take advantage of both of these qualities here, and show how you can implement support for regular expression operators in query filters. On supported database backends, it will allow for powerful pattern matching on string columns.

Database side

We will use the Postgres syntax of POSIX regular expression matchers as a reference. It includes four operators: for case sensitive or insensitive matching, in regular or negated versions.

Since it’s a common practice to use an in-memory SQLite for running database-involved “unit” tests1, we will also add support for that backend. Regular expressions are not implemented there directly, but thanks to sqlite3s custom function ability, it’ll be easy enough to provide the necessary support in Python.

Desired API

In essence, what we want to do is to enhance the String column type with additional comparators, which will then be usable as arguments for the Query.filter method.

As an example, consider the following model class with a string column:

class Person(Model):
    nick = Column(String(255))
    # ...

Once we’re done, it should be possible to query for e.g. all the people whose nicks contain numbers in a pretty straightforward fashion:

numerics = session.query(Person).filter(Person.nick.regexp(r'\d+')).all()

Because of the limitations of underlying databases backends, only literal regular expressions would be supported. It means that, from the SQL standpoint, they have to be constants: you cannot use the value of one column as part of a regular expression that another column is matched against.

But of course, you can still construct those literals in Python code:

def get_copycats(nick):
    """Return all the people who tried to parrot given nick
    but failed and had to append some numbers to it.
    nick_regexp = '^' + re.escape(nick) + r'\d+$'
    return session.query(Person).filter(Person.nick.regexp(nick_regexp)).all()

Considering that regular expressions themselves are already pretty powerful, this really ought to be sufficient for all reasonable purposes.

How comparators work?

So how do we add the regexp method to the String type? It may seem logical to simply extend the class and add it directly:

from sqlalchemy import String as _String

class String(_String):
    """Enhanced version of the standard string type."""

    def regexp(self, value):
        # hmm...

But this won’t actually work. In SQLAlchemy, objects like String or Integer do not represent columns of certain type; they correspond to types themselves2. Extending them with additional methods won’t do much good, because regular code rarely operates on column types.

On the other hand, though, we obviously don’t want to mess with the Column class itself. Our additions are only meaningful for string columns, but putting them there would expose them to all columns, regardless of type!

Thankfully, there is an intermediate mechanism which SQLAlchemy introduced precisely to address the need we’ve got here. Every column type can define a comparator_factory: a kind of mixin class whose methods are incorporated into columns of that type. By overriding this inner class, we can both modify the behavior of existing operators, as well as introduce completely new ones.

So in order to add regexp and other methods to all String columns, our new string type must define its own comparator_factory:

class String(_String):
    class comparator_factory(_String.comparator_factory):
        def regexp(self, other):
            # ...

We need to remember about deriving it from the original one, too. Otherwise, all the standard operators you’d want to use in queries (==, +, etc.) would cease to work, because the new comparator_factory wouldn’t include an implementation of any of the necessary magic methods (__eq__, __add__, etc.).

SQL, abstracted

Knowing where to put our new comparator methods is certainly desirable, but the more interesting question is how do we implement them?

Like I’ve mentioned in the beginning, SQLAlchemy employs an additional layer between ORM models and raw, textual SQL language. Basically, it’s an AST for backend-independent queries which includes almost all of the various SQL constructs, codified in a platform-agnostic way inside the sqlalchemy.sql package.

You may have used this layer directly if you ever wrote queries based on Table objects and ran them with Session.execute. But even those constructed using the more familiar Query class interface end up in this intermediate representation. Often there is little to no additional processing involved.

Arguments to the Query.filter method, for example, are already given as SQL clause objects. It just so happens that its creation is hidden behind a very neat, operator-based API.

Thus, if our regular expression filters are to cooperate, they also need to return pieces of the SQL syntax tree. Not very complicated pieces, mind you, since we only need to represent simple expressions: something like foo ~ 'bar', where ~ may optionally be replaced by one of the other three operators.

Creating the node

They are all binary operators, by the way (i.e. taking exactly two arguments), so it makes sense that the corresponding AST node class is called BinaryExpression. The node’s children are the left argument, the right argument, and the operator itself.

With a little help from a few more SQL syntax wrappers, the implementation of regexp and the other methods turns out to be quite straightforward:

from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import BinaryExpression, literal
from sqlalchemy.sql.operators import custom_op

# (inside String.comparator_factory)

def regexp(self, other):
    return BinaryExpression(self.expr, literal(other), custom_op('~'))

def iregexp(self, other):
    return BinaryExpression(self.expr, literal(other), custom_op('~*'))

def not_regexp(self, other):
    return BinaryExpression(self.expr, literal(other), custom_op('!~'))

def not_iregexp(self, other):
    return BinaryExpression(self.expr, literal(other), custom_op('!~*'))

The use of literal function is dictated by the limitation that was mentioned earlier: any regular expression given in the query must be a SQL literal. If we now try to pass a column-like clause, we’ll get an exception right at the query definition, rather than a database error when we try to execute it.

The custom_op function, on the other hand, is simply the easiest way to create an “operator node” that’s required as a child of BinaryExpression. Since it’s a custom operator, it won’t be interpreted by SQLAlchemy in any way; it will simply be used verbatim in the final SQL string that’s sent to the database.


You may have noticed that this would pose a problem if said database doesn’t support ~ or the other operators, which happens to be the case for everything besides Postgres. Because we originally intended to support SQLite in addition to Postgres, this is evidently a problem.

It’s also where the portability of an intermediate SQL representation comes into play. Since our new operators return AST nodes and not just textual SQL, we can redefine the way those nodes are compiled into actual query fragments on various database backends.

To accomplish that, first we need to distinguish our regex filters from other BinaryExpressions:

class RegexMatchExpression(BinaryExpression):
    """Represents matching of a column againsts a regular expression."""

# (inside String.comparator_factory)

def regexp(self, other):
    return RegexMatchExpression(self.expr, literal(other), custom_op('~'))
# etc.

Once we’ve introduced such a distinction, it becomes possible to provide a different way for those filters to be turned into SQL. We can namely define a new compilation routine for them, and mark it as canonical for a specific SQL dialect:

from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles

@compiles(RegexMatchExpression, 'sqlite')
def sqlite_regex_match(element, compiler, **kw):
    """Compile the SQL expression representing a regular expression match
    for the SQLite engine.
    # ...

The function receives an AST element to process (here, the RegexMatchExpression), along with a special compiler object that controls the whole translation process. Armed with those tools, we are allowed to modify the process in arbitrary ways and output just the right SQL statement that’ll do the job in SQLite.

Regex support lite

How does such a statement look like, though? As I’ve remarked early on, SQLite is very easy to extend with your own functions, and the sqlite3 driver used by SQLAlchemy enables us to write those functions directly in Python. Obviously, this is fantastic news when you have something like the standard re module at your disposal.

Indeed, coding the four required functions is quite trivial:

import re

# Mapping from the regular expression matching operators
# to named Python functions that implement them for SQLite.
    '~': ('REGEXP',
          lambda value, regex: bool(re.match(regex, value))),
    '~*': ('IREGEXP',
           lambda value, regex: bool(re.match(regex, value, re.IGNORECASE))),
    '!~': ('NOT_REGEXP',
           lambda value, regex: not re.match(regex, value)),
    '!~*': ('NOT_IREGEXP',
            lambda value, regex: not re.match(regex, value, re.IGNORECASE)),

What’s less apparent is how — or rather, when — to instruct the SQLite database to use them. As per the API we have to use, custom SQLite functions are created on a per-connection basis. But SQLAlchemy, like any good database interface, takes care of connection management, lifecycle, and pooling. Nowhere in our application there is a connect call (nor there should be!) that we could just follow with a few create_function invocations.

Yet, there is a way of doing exactly what we require, and it involves utilizing the event subsystem included in SQLAlchemy. Anytime something interesting happens to any of its ORM or core objects — models, sessions, connection pools, etc. — SQLAlchemy publishes an event that our application code can listen (subscribe) to. It’s a classic PubSub system that introduces some serious potential for extensibility.

Our use of it will be pretty modest, though. All we’re interested in is the establishing of a connection to the SQLite database. This translates directly to a 'connect' event of the Engine object:

from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
import sqlite3

@event.listens_for(Engine, 'connect')
def sqlite_engine_connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record):
    """Listener for the event of establishing connection to a SQLite database.

    Creates the functions handling regular expression operators
    within SQLite engine, pointing them to their Python implementations above.
    if not isinstance(dbapi_connection, sqlite3.Connection):

    for name, function in SQLITE_REGEX_FUNCTIONS.values():
        dbapi_connection.create_function(name, 2, function)

Note that this will catch all the connection events, so we have to verify it’s really SQLite we’re talking to. Afterwards, the creation of REGEXP, IREGEXP, etc. functions is extremely straightforward.

Compilation, take two

This was quite a build-up, but now we’re very close to the finale. What remains is finishing the compilation routine:

@compiles(RegexMatchExpression, 'sqlite')
def sqlite_regex_match(element, compiler, **kw):

We know that element corresponds to an expression in the form of a ~ 'foo'. For SQLite, however, the compatible version is a function call: REGEXP(a, 'foo'). At first this may appear rather disconcerting, because it’s basically a completely different AST node to build.

But it’s actually not a problem at all. Inside compiler hooks, we are allowed to use the much of the same API that’s available when drafting regular queries. This includes the func factory object which produces calls to arbitrary SQL functions. Rather than compiling the original binary expression, we’ll simply poach its operands and use them as arguments to one of the new functions:

from sqlalchemy import exc
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func

@compiles(RegexMatchExpression, 'sqlite')
def sqlite_regex_match(element, compiler, **kw):
    # determine the name of a custom SQLite function to use for the operator
    operator = element.operator.opstring
        func_name, _ = SQLITE_REGEX_FUNCTIONS[operator]
    except (KeyError, ValueError), e:
        would_be_sql_string = ' '.join((compiler.process(element.left),
        raise exc.StatementError(
            "unknown regular expression match operator: %s" % operator,
            would_be_sql_string, None, e)

    # compile the expression as an invocation of the custom function
    regex_func = getattr(func, func_name)
    regex_func_call = regex_func(element.left, element.right)
    return compiler.process(regex_func_call)

Notice how compiler.process is used to obtain the final result. The compiler object doesn’t care that we use it on a totally different AST node; it will dutifully carry out its compilation into raw SQL. We can even use this capability to add a little bit of paranoid error handling: if we encounter an unknown operator, the resulting error message will include fully compiled, SQL versions of both arguments.


This concludes our efforts: the original query examples with Person.nick.regexp should now work in both Postgres and SQLite. For you convenience, I’ve bundled all the code in this gist.

If you feel like tinkering with it further, I would suggest you try to remove the superfluous NOT_* functions. They make little sense given that SQL has a perfectly adequate NOT keyword. A clean solution would probably prefer an additional reverse flag in RegexMatchExpression over looking for a '!' character in the operator string.

  1. It may or may not be a good practice, though. 

  2. Although it’s possible to write Column(Integer), it’s merely a syntactical convenience. SQLAlchemy interprets it readily as Column(Integer()). Parameterized types — like String — always require explicit instantiation. 

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Querying multiple scalar values in SQLAlchemy

Posted on Wed 26 August 2015 in Code • Tagged with SQLAlchemy, PythonLeave a comment

SQLAlchemy is probably the greatest ORM library ever invented — and not just for Python. Like everything, though, it could sometimes use an improvement.

One typical pattern that I’ve seen repeated many times is querying for values of a single column from multiple rows. Almost always, the desired outcome is to have those values in a Python iterable. Unfortunately, when returning multiple rows, the Query class can only give them out as tuples, making it necessary to unpack them explicitly every time:

active_users_ids = [
    uid for (uid,) in session.query(User.id).filter(User.is_active).all()

It’s worth noting that a very similar operation — retrieving a single column value from one row — is comparatively cleaner thanks to a dedicated Query.scalar method. So why not have a similar one for the use case above?…

Turns out that SQLAlchemy is so amazingly extensible that we can easily outfit Query with such a method ourselves.

Our own Query

The officially ordained way to do something like that is to extend the original sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query class with any additional functionality we require. We can then introduce a method in the subclass — let’s call it values — that implements our logic:

from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import MultipleResultsFound
from sqlalchemy.orm.query import Query as _Query

class Query(_Query):
    """Custom SQLAlchemy query class."""

    def values(self):
        """Return an iterable of all scalar, singleton element values
        from rows matched by this query.

        :raise MultipleValuesFound: If result rows have more than one element
            return [x for (x,) in self.all()]
        except ValueError as e:
            raise MultipleValuesFound(str(e))

class MultipleValuesFound(ValueError, MultipleResultsFound):
    """Exception raised by :meth:`Query.values`
    when multiple values were found in a single result row.

There is a special erroneous condition that occurrs when the Query returns rows with more than one column value. It would be possible to detect it preemptively by inspecting certain attributes of the query object, but it’s simpler to just catch the exception caused by unsuccessful tuple unpacking.

In any case, I recommend re-raising it as a custom exception to enable more robust error handling in the client code.

Wiring it

The last piece of the puzzle is to make Session objects in our application use the new Query class. It’s easy: we simply pass it as query_cls parameter to the Session constructor. In more realistic scenarios — such as web applications with per-request database sessions — it means giving it directly to the sessionmaker:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import scoped_session, sessionmaker

from myapp.ext.sqlalchemy import Query

session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=create_engine(DATABASE_URL),

Of course, actual session setup in your app may differ in few details from the sample above.

Usage example

With the new Query class wired in, the values method becomes immediately usable:

active_user_ids = session.query(User.id).filter(User.is_active).values()

and the ugly manual unpacking of row tuples is no longer necessary.

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