Reload Jinja macro files

Posted on Thu 24 September 2015 in Code

The integration between Jinja templating engine and the Flask microframework for Python is quite seamless most of the time. It also facilitates rapid development: when we run our web application through Flask’s development server, any changes in Python code will get picked up immediately without restarting it. Similarly, Jinja’s default template loader will detect whether any template has been modified after its last compilation and recompile it if necessary.

One instance when it doesn’t seem to work that well, though, is template files that only contain Jinja macros. They apparently aren’t subject to the same caching rules that apply to regular templates. Modifications to those files alone may not be picked up by Jinja Environment, causing render_template calls in Flask to (indirectly) use their stale versions.

I’ll be watching you

This problem can be alleviated by making the server watch those macro files explicitly, not unlike the Python sources it already monitors. When running a Flask server through the method, you can pass additional keyword arguments which aren’t handled by Flask itself, but by the underlying WSGI scaffolding called Werkzeug. The automatic reloader is actually part of it and is quite configurable. Most importantly, it allows passing a list of extra_files= to watch:

import os'', port=int(os.environ.get('PORT', 5000)),
        extra_files=[os.path.join(app.root_path, app.template_folder, 'macros.html')])

But of course it’s tedious and error-prone to keep this list up to date manually, so let’s try to do better.

…all of you

I’m going to assume you’re keeping all your Jinja macro files inside a single directory. This makes sense, as macros are reusable pieces of template code that are imported by multiple regular templates, so they shouldn’t be scattered around the codebase without some order. The folder may be named macros, util, common, or similar; what’s important is that all the macros have a designated place in the project source tree.

Under this assumption, it’s not difficult to programmatically compute their complete list1:

from pathlib import Path

from myapplication import app  # Flask application object

#: Directories under app's template folder that contain files
#: with only Jinja macros.
JINJA_MACRO_DIRS = ('macros',)

def get_extra_files():
    """Returns an iterable of the extra files that the Flask server
    should monitor for changes and reload the app if any has been modified.
    app_root = Path(app.root_path)

    for dirname in JINJA_MACRO_DIRS:
        macros_dir = app_root / app.template_folder / dirname
        for filepath in macros_dir.rglob('*.html'):
            yield str(filepath)

If you’re using Flask blueprints, in addition to the global application templates you’d also want to monitor any blueprint-specific macro files:

        for bp in (app.blueprints or {}).values():
            macros_dir = Path(bp.root_path) / bp.template_folder / dirname
            for filepath in macros_dir.rglob('*.html'):
                yield str(filepath)

A new start

How you’re going to use the get_extra_files function from the snippet above depends on how exactly you’re running the Flask development server. In the simplest case, when is invoked at the top-level scope of some module, it’s pretty obvious:, extra_files=list(get_extra_files()))

More realistically, though, you may be using the Flask-Script extension for all management tasks, including starting the server. If so, calling will be relegated to it, so you’ll need to override the Server command to inject additional parameters there:

import os

from flask.ext.script import Manager, Server as _Server

from myapplication import app

class Server(_Server):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if kwargs.get('use_reloader', True):
            kwargs.setdefault('extra_files', []).extend(get_extra_files())
        super(Server, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

manager = Manager(app, with_default_commands=False)

server = Server(port=int(os.environ.get('PORT', 5000)))
manager.add_command('server', server)

This new server command should work just like the default one provided by Flask-Script out of the box, except that all your Jinja macro files will now be monitored for changes.

  1. Like before, I’m using the pathlib module, for which there is a backport if you’re using Python 3.3 or older.